Lämna feedback


Opening hours today
måndag 10-20
Opening hours today
måndag 10-20

There are currently no recommendations in Sweden about closing stores or shopping centers. We follow the developments closely and are ready to comply with all recommendations from the authorities. Nordstan will update this page continuously if and when the situation changes.

Updated April 1st:

Nordstan fortsätter att noggrant följa Folkhälsomyndighetens råd och föreskrifter.
Nordstan continues to strictly follow the advice and regulations of the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten).
On April 1, new advice was directed to the Swedish retailer community, to limit the number of customers who are simultaneously in the premises and to indicate how far the distance should be between the customers in the cash lines or offer alternatives to the cash queues. In Nordstan, all of our stores and restaurants have good preparedness for managing this advice in a safe and secure way for our visitors. In the past, we have also adapted our operations to current conditions by extending our cleaning, cancel events and adjusting the opening hours for most stores. At the same time, our pharmacies and grocery stores have longer opening hours. 

Do you have questions about the corona virus? Visit the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s website. You can also call the national information number 113 13.